Protecting, reusing and conserving water, our most precious natural resource, is vital to sustaining our quality of life and economic growth. Home builders cannot build without available water sources; water policy and water professionals have the responsibility to protect and make water available to all citizens. NGWS brings together these industry experts to collaborate, share hurdles and best practices in this volatile environment of the Southwestern United States. These experts will have the opportunity to participate in a professionally facilitated workshops developing innovative and creative solutions that can be immediately used in designing and planning business strategies.
Booth for 60 days - $250 |
Supporting Sponsor - $500 |
Friday Keynote Sponsor - $1000 |
Sustaining Sponsor - $3500 |
Premier booth- Only 3 available - $450 |
Thursday Keynote Sponsor - $1000 |
Opening Keynote Sponsor - $2500 |
Major Sponsor - $7500 |
Glenn Schiffbauer
NGWS Organizing Committee